About Best Reviews SG LLP (Bestreviews.sg)
Best Reviews SG LLP's (Bestreviews.sg) goal is to recommend the most optimal product and service for our reader's unique needs by reviewing, evaluating and/or testing. We independently review and test where possible, hundreds to thousands of consumer products and services to bring you rich content that you can use as a benchmark and comparison before making that next purchase. We strive to save your precious time and remove the tedious and irritating routine of scouring the web endlessly for reviews or product information.
Best Reviews SG LLP's interest is to establish itself as an authority on Fast-moving consumer goods and services, and we aim to do that by being the most reliable and trusted product recommendation service in Singapore.
Our reviews are editorially unbiased and written from a neutral point of view (NPOV). This means that we represent fairly and as far as possible, without editorial bias publish significant views that matter to make a review wholesome and reliable. We strive not to publish a recommendation unless our editors have deemed a product or service as “the best” through rigorous research and evaluation.
From time to time, we earn money through various affiliate marketing programs; we may get remunerated commissions on products purchased through our affiliate links. We do this to be able to keep our site running to serve readers who want content that matters. However, we also only recommend products and services stemming from our independent research, detailed analysis, interviews conducted with businesses, and testing where possible. With this said, the bulk of our publications, reviews and editorials about the products and services we showcase on our portal are driven by intensive editorial and product evaluation standards, and not by affiliate or advertising partnerships.
The reviews we publish have a lot of time put in, coupled with high editorial standards and experience in copywriting and editorship experience. We not only rely on our expertise, opinions and experience, but rather we also aggregate and conduct interviews and fact-checked reliable data from different data points and sources around. Our reviews go beyond superficial data and opinions from manufacturers and service providers, we post about other concerning aspects that truly matter, like lifelong use and safety concerns regarding a product or service.
As we have discovered that the consumer-driven field in Singapore is filled with noise and clutter, we research and publish real customer reviews to offer discerning aspects of a product so that our readers can understand positive and negative experiences, product flaws and more.
We cut through the fluff of over-exaggerated features that you an average consumer won't use. Getting straight to the core of consumer goods is important to us. Our mission is in-line with consumer interests, which is to make locating the best goods and services in Singapore, and find transparent information that will help them make a buying decision that will save them time and money.
Authority on reviews matters a lot to us and we only can attain this by gaining the trust of readers. Recommending a product for the sake of publication or bias is a sure turn-off to a reader. That is why we employ rigorous editorial standards and fact check our editorials before publishing to bring you, simply, the best reviews in Singapore.
Contact us at media@bestreviews.sg
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Using first-class editorship experience and expertise, we combine interviews and fact-checked information from sources around. Reviews we publish stretch beyond standard manufacturer information to bring you updated, to-the-point reviews that are beneficial when shopping.
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We get rid of the noise in this crazy consumer driven market filled with over-promised hype. We dive head-first into the meat of useful reviews. Our mission is in-line with consumer interests, which is to make locating the best goods and services in Singapore, and finding transparent information that will help them make a buying decision that will save them time and money.
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